The equality of the different being from the analysis of the OC-24/17




LGBTI, Human Rights, OC 24/17, homo-affectivity


The present jurisprudence comment arose from the analysis of the Advisory Opinion OC 24/17 that was delivered by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on its interpretation regarding the themes “gender identity, equality and non-discrimination of same-sex couples, and what state obligations in relation to name change, gender identity, and rights derived from a bond between same-sex couples” on the basis of the American Convention on Human Rights. Thus, an analysis of the arguments used was carried out and, consequently, argumentative suggestions were made with the objective of provoking the reader to perceive new critical perspectives to use as arguments.


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Author Biography

Juliana Pilla, UniRitter – Laureate International Universities

Pós-graduada em direito do trabalho e previdenciário pela Uniritter. Pós-graduanda em Direito Homoafetivo e de Gênero pela Unisanta – Universidade Santa Cecília.  Pós-Graduanda em benefícios e práticas previdenciárias pela Verbo Jurídico. Pós-graduanda em Comunicação e Marketing pela Descomplica. Graduada em Direito pela Uniritter em 2015/2. Advogada.



How to Cite

Pilla, J. (2022). The equality of the different being from the analysis of the OC-24/17. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 49(2), 602–612.