Evolução da Proteção Jurídica da Cidadania


  • Márcio Alexandre da Silva Pinto UFU


citizen conception, Civil and political rights, Legal protection of the citizenship


With this work the research and reflection both go deep into the evolution of citizen’s legal assistance, law and legal proceedings; This juridical evolution confirms three kinds of conceptions of legal assistance to citizenship; an old conception, a modern one and the Contemporary kind; During Antiguity Age the imposition of duties predominates over the rights, prevailing self-defence for personal brute force; The Classical Age characterizes the imposition of duties, political rights (privileges) allowed just to a minority
of the society. In Modern Age we observe an increase in the rights of the citizenship, including civil rights with some legal proceedings for defence, besides political rights allowed to a minority as we have seen above; Nowadays, a new conception of legal assistance to citizenship is under way, also named citizen conception, so that besides civil and political rights, it includes on it citizen’s social rights together with legal proceedings for defence. 


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How to Cite

da Silva Pinto, M. A. (2010). Evolução da Proteção Jurídica da Cidadania. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 36. Retrieved from https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistafadir/article/view/18452