About the Journal


  • “Revista Economia Ensaios” is a semi-annual publication of the Institute of Economics and International Relations - Federal University of Uberlândia (IERI-UFU).
  • “Revista Economia Ensaios” has been published since 1984, and it is ranked B3 Qualis Capes (Area: Economics - 2013/16).
  • The Journal adopts a pluralistic orientation and publishes articles, review articles, book reviews, notes and comments and other unpublished manuscripts in theoretical and applied economics and related areas.
  • The journal publishes articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • Editors: Professors: Ana Paula Macedo de Avellar (editor-in-chief); Aureo de Toledo Gomes, Clésio Marcelino de Jesus, Flavio Vilela Vieira, Leonardo Segura Moraes (associated editors)
  • ISSN print: 0102-2482
  • ISSN online: 1983-1994