troca de saberes agroecológicos na agricultura familiar
Agroecological principles, Organic agriculture, University extension, SustainabilityAbstract
The Natural Resources and Agriculture research and extension group (RENAGRI) of the Federal University of Uberlândia, Monte Carmelo campus, has developed extension projects that seek to encourage family farmers in agroecological and organic production besides the reuse of residues. The objective of this work was to report the experiences of building knowledge related to the theme of residue reuse, biofertilizer production and soil quality, with family farmers, in the agroecological transition of the municipality of Monte Carmelo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The field study presented in this article contributed to farmers experiencing agroecological practices that distanced them from the conventional production model and expanded their insertion in a model based on sustainable production systems that balance social, economic and environmental interests. At the same time, organic agriculture activities were evidenced as a strategy to promote the quality of life and social values in the family farming environment. On the other hand, undergraduate students, who participated directly or indirectly, were able to experience significant knowledge experiences brought by farmers who merged with scientific knowledge, which contributed to the training profile of undergraduate students, focusing on sustainability, collective work and humanization within the knowledge of agroecology.
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