Agony and ecstasy: the writer’s block in Adaptation (2002)




Screenplay, Writer’s block, Creativity, Narrative


This work aims to explore blocks that a writer can go through based on the film Adaptation (Spike Jonze, 2002), written by Charlie Kaufman. Through film analysis we seek to raise the causes and symptoms for these blocks and the solution found by Kaufman to unite creativity and functionality in an adapted script. We understand that specificities in the screenplay can make the writer's work difficult and that the recurrent translation of writer's block to creative block in Portuguese generally does not distinguish psychological problems from those related to the screenwriter's work methods and tools.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Bueno Lisboa, Universidade Estadual de Campinas – São Paulo - Brasil

Doutorando e Mestre em Multimeios pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Graduado em Comunicação Social: Rádio e TV pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). Tem interesse na área de Cinema com foco em Cinema e História, Cinema Político, Som e Trilha Musical e Gêneros Cinematográficos. Tem como foco de pesquisa o cinema popular e político italiano dos anos 1960 e 1970. Atualmente é professor no Centro Universitário Senac - Santo Amaro para os cursos de Audiovisual e Publicidade e Propaganda.


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How to Cite

Lisboa, G. B. (2023). Agony and ecstasy: the writer’s block in Adaptation (2002). Paradoxos, 8(1), 1–17.