The connection between brand composition factors:

an advertising transmedia storytelling at the Oktoberfest of Blumenau




Transmedia narrative, Advertising, Brand, Oktoberfest Blumenau


This study connects the factors of brand compositions present at the communication of digital platforms of the Oktoberfest of Blumenau (Brazil) in 2017, with the transmedia advertising narrative. The research is classified as documentary, and uses the technique of content analysis for a quantitative approach. As a result, we verified that the communication of the Oktoberfest has different formats, which are adapted to the different digital platforms and to its target audience. We verified evidences of a Blumenau transmigrated narrative through Oktoberfest, using elements as drinking, humanization, and the German identity that as digital advertising.


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How to Cite

Bona, R. J., Nascimento, K. T., & Falaster, C. D. (2020). The connection between brand composition factors: : an advertising transmedia storytelling at the Oktoberfest of Blumenau. Paradoxos, 5(2), 152–166.