Aesthetic Experience in the Everyday Life of an Autistic Person: A processional and pilgrimaging road


  • Igor Lucas Ries Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná



Autism, Communication, Aesthetic Experience, Narrative, Social Networks


Posts about autism are in social network and play an important role in the way that individuals who are into this context understand the world and the daily life realities. At these places of conversation there are meetings, sharing, as well as narratives about ones experiences. That is the reason why this text starts with the approach of an aesthetic experience apprehended through daily life ruptures (Gumbrecht). Then the text leads to a different reflection about the importance of emotions and physical contact, with their power of transformation. (Didi-Huberman and Nancy). It shows the discussion about the society of transparency and the social networks as exhibition, visibility and sharing spaces. Finally it exposes that the aesthetic experience is a processional and pilgrimage road of knowledge and narrative events in the autism context (Han).


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Author Biography

Igor Lucas Ries, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná

Mestrando em Comunicação e Linguagens PPGCOM - UTP-PR. Graduado em Comunicação Social


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How to Cite

Ries, I. L. (2018). Aesthetic Experience in the Everyday Life of an Autistic Person: A processional and pilgrimaging road. Paradoxos, 2(2), 57–65.