Sharing happiness: A critical reflection on happiness production through graphic interface of Facebook


  • Melissa Streck Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul



Emotion, Happiness, Digital Social Network, Facebook, Graphic User Interface


This article is about the sharing of happiness through the digital social network Facebook. Taking into account studies about emotions within the social context, in addition to issues of human computer interaction and Facebook, this paper presents a reflection on those emotional dynamics. This is a bilateral discussion, being the user author of the shared publication on one side, and the publication's viewers on the other. It also considers the demonstration of emotions through the symbols offered in this digital social network interface.


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Author Biography

Melissa Streck, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Melissa Streck/ Publicitária pela UNISINOS, 2002. Mestre em Design(interfaces digitais e tecnológicas) pela UFRGS, 2014. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós Graduação em Comunicação da PUCRS e pesquisadora da UBILAB/PUCRS


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How to Cite

Streck, M. (2018). Sharing happiness: A critical reflection on happiness production through graphic interface of Facebook. Paradoxos, 2(1), 33–44.