Fazer Pedagógico: Realidade ou Utopia?


  • Franciele Oliveira de Assis Nogueira
  • Roberto Bernardino Júnior




Specific training, Child education, Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education


The theme of this work - Pedagogical practice: reality or utopia, was chosen to understand the lack of specific preparation in the areas of Early Childhood education of professionals working in classrooms since it is not possible to do everything in initial teacher training, when it is limited to a few years of professional training, the teacher must know how to teach, what should be teaching, what new strategies should be used in order to improve student learning. However, the initial training of a teacher remains one of the driving forces behind raising the level of competence of professionals involved in education. The formation of good teachers, above all is due to people with motivation to learn always, with their own experiences and others and with continuous reflection on the making of teachers. For this reason, it was made a deepening in the theories of great authors of pedagogical training seeking to understand the importance of teacher training to act in basic education. Through the studies, it was possible to observe that the Law of Directives and Bases of Education 9.394 / 96 was put into practice through the new management of the Municipal Education Secretariat, which effected only teachers with specific training. It is worth emphasizing that today there is a concern on the part of both public and private schools to include in their professional teachers with specific training to work in Early Childhood Education.


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Author Biography

Roberto Bernardino Júnior

Doutor em Educação pela Faculdade de Educação da UFU (2011).


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