
  • Marcia Guimarães de Freitas Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Mariana Batista do Nascimento Silva UFU



School manager, conceptions, participation


The present work aims to reflect on the educational management, the role of the manager to confer an ethical character to the educational process, through qualitative research having as reference the following authors: Libane, Lück, Cury, Paro, Moran, Moreno, Ferreira and others. In the educational context, every day, it is more evident, that each individual plays a fundamental role in the construction of the identity of the school and it contributes to the formation of all who participate in the educational process. As educational, social and economic policies influence the school and, consequently, the manager's performance, it is fundamental to discuss the role of this manager, his area of ​​action and the relevance of this action in the interactions with the other subjects of the school in order to if you meet the teaching objectives. It is understood, therefore, that in order to manage today's school and education, it is necessary to understand the broad meanings of management that go beyond organizing and directing physical spaces of the school. It is necessary to go beyond merely rational, technical and mechanical ways to enable the learner to become more human, by having access to teaching contents. and their schools. It is necessary to understand that management takes place in the teaching-learning process, in the acquisition of knowledge, in the interpersonal and pedagogical relationships that are manifested within the school and in the classroom and that the leadership capacity of this manager influences, in great part , the quality, operation and effectiveness of the school.


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Author Biography

Marcia Guimarães de Freitas, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Mestre em Educação


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