Exploring the role of consumers as drivers of agri-food networks: contexts, beliefs, and governance


  • Gaetano Martino University of Perugia - Italy
  • Rossella Pampanini University of Perugia
  • Giulia Giacchè University of Perugia


The paper takes into account the Solidarity Purchasing Groups. In many European countries these groups of consumers are based on common interest not only in quality and healthy food, but also in the direct contact with producers. New relationships among consumers and farmers are established which appear to be complementary to the standard long retail circuits (Sonnino and Marsden, 2006). The study aims at illustrating and testing the hypothesis that the Solidatiry Purchasing Groups organize the food provision by through a polycentric decision system (Ostrom et al., 196; Ostrom, 2010). An empirical analysis is proposed which concerns with the organization of the decision-making processes in Solidarity Purchasing Groups (SPGs). Three typical case studies (Seawright, Gerring, 2008) were carried out in order to corroborate the hypothesis that polycentric governance systems are achieved by through constitutional processes (Grandori, 2010) aimed at achieving a horizontal distribution of critical decisions rights.


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Biografia do Autor

Gaetano Martino, University of Perugia - Italy

Gaetano Martino is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics. His research interests are in the filed of institutional analysis of Agri-food chains and networks and on rural develiopment process. He is coordinator of the Doctorate Programme in Agri-Food Economics and Policy and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Review of Economics and Institutions.

Rossella Pampanini, University of Perugia

Rossella Pampanini is a Full Professor of Agrcultural Economics. Her research interestss focuses on the economic analysis of the Agri-Food Chains and Networks and Agricultural Policy. She is the Director of the graduate Coruse of Food Culture and Economics of the University of Perugia

Giulia Giacchè, University of Perugia

Giulia Giacchè is a Post-Doc researcher in Rural Development. Her researc interests focues on he organization of small scal food exchange processes and rural development processes in developed economies




Como Citar

MARTINO, G.; PAMPANINI, R.; GIACCHÈ, G. Exploring the role of consumers as drivers of agri-food networks: contexts, beliefs, and governance. Brazilian Geographical Journal, Ituiutaba, v. 4, n. 1, 2013. Disponível em: https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/braziliangeojournal/article/view/22558. Acesso em: 11 set. 2024.