Changes in body composition of Wistar rats: effects of high-intensity interval training




Body Composition, High-Intensity Interval Training, Physical Activity, Swimming.


The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the body composition of Wistar rats. The HIIT protocol consisted of high-intensity swimming three times a week for four weeks. There were no differences between groups as to the Lee index. However, the weights of the perigonadal (p=0.001) and retroperitoneal (p=0.026) fats were significantly different between the Control Group (CG, n=10) vs. Trained Group (TG, n=10), respectively. There was also a significant increase in the body weight of the animals in TG (16.43%) and CG (7.19%) at the end of the experiment. These findings suggested that HIIT was not sufficient to improve significantly the body composition of rats.


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Como Citar

MARQUES VIEIRA-SOUZA, L., J AIDAR, F., LOPES DOS SANTOS, J., KALININE, E., ALINE LIMA RODRIGUES, J., UILIEN DE OLIVEIRA, J., DENIELLE MATOS DOS SANTOS, J., GETIRANA MOTA, M., WALESKA DOS SANTOS e CARLOS MARÇAL, A., 2023. Changes in body composition of Wistar rats: effects of high-intensity interval training. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 39, pp. e39014. [Accessed17 janeiro 2025]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v39n0a2023-62708. Available from:



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