Chronic kidney disease intervention in primary health care: integrative review




Primary health care, Renal insufficiency chronic, Review, Safety, Surveys and questionnaires.


To analyze the knowledge and safety of primary health care professionals in the management of chronic kidney disease in its early stages. Integrative literature review carried out in four steps. The search took place in the following databases: MEDLINE via PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and BVS. The descriptors used were “Primary Health Care” AND “Kidney Diseases” AND “Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice” and the quality of the analysis was checked by means of the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention Studies”. Fifteen articles were found, with a predominance of qualitative and descriptive method; the results showed insufficient knowledge of health professionals and interest in the best approach in the initial stage of the disease. Thus, it is inferred that the knowledge and security of primary health care professionals depend on individual factors and institutional initiative for the adoption of clinical guidelines and training. Therefore, prepared professionals and organized care, using protocols, would bring benefits both to patients as to the evolution and outcome of the disease and  savings to health services.


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Como Citar

FORIN PAES, A.T., BARBIERI, A.R., INSABRALDE DE QUEIROZ CARDOSO, A. e FERREIRA JÚNIOR, M.A., 2023. Chronic kidney disease intervention in primary health care: integrative review. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 39, pp. e39007. [Accessed23 julho 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v39n0a2023-62191. Available from:



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