Blood glucose kinetics during concentric and eccentric muscle contractions




Blood glucose, Muscle contraction, Physical conditioning, Human.


Studies comparing the two classes of stimuli (concentric and eccentric) have shown differences in the improvement of cardiovascular, metabolic, and muscle strength gain. This is an experimental, quantitative, and prospective study that aimed to verify the effect of eccentric exercise on glycolytic consumption and kinetics. The blood glucose kinetics of 17 male subjects was evaluated during a treadmill exercise with a 10% declined floor and velocity that required a 60% metabolic activity of VO2max, for 30 minutes. Seventy-two hours later, the same subjects exercised on the treadmill with a 10% inclined floor and 60% VO2max, for 30 minutes. To quantify glucose, blood samples were collected before the exercise, every three minutes along the 30 minutes of physical activity, and five and 10 minutes after finishing the exercise. For the downward slope, there was a homogeneous group behavior for blood glucose dynamics during the exercise, which was characterized by a monotonic decrease of glucose levels until reaching a minimum value at experimental times between 20 and 30 min, followed by a progressive recovery toward initial values. For the acclivity condition, blood glucose dynamics did not follow such a homogeneous behavior. A set of different types of dynamics could be identified. Experimental data showed that the type of dynamics could be predicted, to some extent, by the basal blood glucose level of subjects. The type of floor slope (upward or downward) directly affected glycolytic consumption and kinetics for the individuals analyzed.


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Como Citar

TALIARI, J.D.S., RAMOS, R.R., BALLARIS, A. de L., TALIARI, M.A. da S. e MUNIN, E., 2022. Blood glucose kinetics during concentric and eccentric muscle contractions. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 38, pp. e38078. [Accessed6 outubro 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v38n0a2022-60463. Available from:



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