Proposal for a new non-linear model to describe growth curves
Animal growth, Biological parameters, Cluster analysis, Growth curves, Longitudinal data.Abstract
This study was developed with longitudinal data measurements of Norfolk rabbits from birth to 119 days of age to estimate the average growth curve, with the primary objective of proposing a non-linear model. It also selected the most appropriate sigmoidal model to describe the growth of Norfolk rabbits. The adjustments provided by the logistic, von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Brody, Richards, and proposed models were compared. The parameters were estimated using the “nls” function of the “stats” package in R software, the least-squares method, and the Gauss-Newton convergence algorithm. The goodness-of-fit comparison was based on the following criteria: adjusted coefficient of determination (), mean square error (MSE), mean absolute deviation (MAD), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Cluster analysis helped select and classify the non-linear growth models, considering the other goodness-of-fit criteria results. The proposed non-linear, von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Richards models described the growth curve of Norfolk rabbits satisfactorily, providing parameters with practical interpretations. The goodness-of-fit criteria showed that the proposed and von Bertalanffy models best represented the growth of rabbits.
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Copyright (c) 2024 André Luiz Pinto dos Santos, Tiago Alessandro Espínola Ferreira, Cícero Carlos Ramos de Brito, Frank Gomes-Silva, Guilherme Rocha Moreira
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