A Utilização das Mídias Sociais como Estratégia de Marketing no Segmento de Vestuário no Município de Santa Vitória-MG em tempos de Pandemia (Covid-19)
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Estratégia de Marketing
Loja de Vestuário

How to Cite

Dias, B. B., & Silva, J. G. da. (2024). A Utilização das Mídias Sociais como Estratégia de Marketing no Segmento de Vestuário no Município de Santa Vitória-MG em tempos de Pandemia (Covid-19). Management in Perspective, 5(2), 54–93. https://doi.org/10.14393/MIP-v5n2-2024-71731


The present work sought through the themes: 8 p's of Marketing Strategies, COVID-19 Pandemic and store in the clothing segment, to achieve the objective of analyzing the digital marketing strategies adopted by entrepreneurs in the clothing segment in the municipality of Santa Vitória-MG to face the restricted phase of the Pandemic (Covid-19). The methods used for this analysis were Survey, with a descriptive approach. The questionnaires were administered in printed format to 26 entrepreneurs in the clothing segment in the Municipality of Santa Vitória-MG. The most convenient scale for data collection in this research was the Likert Scale, which is considered self-report. When analyzing the results tabulated using Excel tools and SPSS statistical software, it is possible to state that sustainable issues are not included in the daily lives of companies, through the marketing strategies used by entrepreneurs, sales continued to rise, and social media were allies of companies during the Pandemic-COVID 19.

PDF Português (Português (Brasil))


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