Virtual teams is a growing theme in management literature. The adaptation processes of persons within a virtual team should consider the work the specific characteristics in such team work. The objective of the present study is to carry out a survey on the methods in the literature for a person adaptation within a virtual team. The research problem is: what methods are used in order to adapt new members within virtual teams? The theoretical approach is based on the traditional team literature and on studies about virtual teams. The methodology used is the systematic review. The results show three lines of actions for the person adaptation to virtual teams: the role of training methods, the mastering of information technology tools and the development of trust based relations among the persons. The research also shows the role of managers and leaders in virtual team management. This research showed the need to include the required capacities for virtual team work in educational institution curricula due to the increasing virtual team work environment. Further researches can also analyze how to develop trust based relations between virtual team members and leaders and between the two of them and the organization from the virtual relations which have to be rapidly developed and which are also rapidly terminated/disconnected at times.
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