
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author (s) is (are) a graduate student (master's or doctoral student) or professional (s) already qualified (master, doctor, professor). Undergraduate works can be submitted as long as they are co-authored with masters or doctors.
  • The job is inserted in the open call. If it is a free topic, it should follow the scope of the magazine.
  • Author or co-author can not submit more than one paper for the issue in question.
  • The manuscript contains a maximum of 3 (three) authors.
  • The names, mini-resumés, affiliations and ORCID of all authors are entered on the site at the time of submission. These items are mandatory, and the publication is conditioned to the presence of all these metadata.
  • The manuscript is written according to the style sheet. href=\\\\\\\\\\\\\"/index.php/tessera/about/submissions#authorGuidelines\\\\\\\\\\\\\">Diretrizes para Autores, in the section About the Journal;
  • If the manuscript involves research with human beings, it must be accompanied by an opinion from the Ethics Committee on Research with Human Beings (CEP). The magazine accepts manuscripts of this nature only with the opinion of an ethics committee.
  • The manuscript does not contain plagiarism, including self-plagiarism and translations into Portuguese of previous works by the author (s). If plagiarism is detected, the work will not be evaluated.
  • The manuscript is unpublished, in the sense that it was not published in the language in question, in books, magazines or annals. If the manuscript is derived from monographic works (dissertations, theses), it must be indicated at the bottom of the first page.
  • The manuscript contains 12 to 20 pages.
  • The work does not present any identification of its authorship. The instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.

Author Guidelines

The publication of Téssera Magazine is free of charge. Therefore, the submission of papers is also free.

Téssera Magazine accepts for publication articles and reviews unpublished in its specialty: studies related to research of the imaginary, having as bibliographic contribution theoretical and critical reflections authors such as Carl Gustav Jung, Eleazar Mielietinski, Franco Crespi, Gary Greenberg, JW Rogerson, Joseph Campbell , KK Ruthven, Mircea Eliade, Gaston Bachelard, Pierre Brunel, Ernest Cassirer, Gilbert Durand, Roger Caillois, Jean Burgos, Alberto Filipe Araújo, Ana Maria Lisboa de Mello, Jean-Jacques Wunenburger.

TÉSSERA informs that all received papers go through a tool that detects plagiarism.


  1. Téssera Magazine accepts papers in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English, respecting the standard norms of each language. The texts must be accompanied by an abstract and keywords (in the language of the text) and an abstract and keywords in English. In the case of texts in English, they must be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in Portuguese
  2. When an article is related to dissertation or thesis, it must be indicated in a note, as well as if the text is derived from any project that received funds from a sponsoring agency. If the article is an extract or derived from a dissertation or thesis, all information regarding the research (institution, date of defense, title of work) must appear in a note to the article.
  3. The translation into other languages of articles published in the magazine is not allowed. The Board must be consulted.
  4. Submission of a work to the magazine implies the assignment of copyright and agreement with the editorial guidelines of Téssera Magazine, including that the work must be duly reviewed.
  5. The works are analyzed by peers, without identifying the author or the referees. There may be approval with suggested changes. In the event of odd opinions (approved and rejected), a third reviewer will be convened, within the policy of the magazine's reviewers (members or ad hoc).
  6. If the work is approved with suggested modifications, the author (s) will have a period of 15 (fifteen) days, after notification, to return the article within the required period.
  7. The author may not submit more than one work per issue.
  8. The magazine will accept papers with a maximum number of three authors.
  9. Each author may only publish one article per year in the magazine.
  10. Dossier organizers must write a consistent presentation around the published issue, and therefore can not publish an article in the issue they organize..
  11. The magazine accepts submission of texts between 12 and 20 pages.
  12. In order to avoid suggesting an academic link with UFU, the magazine will not accept more than 20% of works, in an issue, of professors or students linked to its programs. If this level is reached, the papers considered will be the first ones received.
  13. The submission process to Téssera Magazine is EXCLUSIVELY electronic, through registration on the Magazine website and information contained therein. From this register, with login and password, all procedures must be done electronically, for follow-up and new submission. The Magazine's website is self-explanatory, just follow the guidelines there.


The pages should be configured as follows:

Paper size: A4;

Margins: upper and lower (3 cm), right and left (2.5 cm);

Type: Times New Roman;

Text: size 12;

Line spacing: 1.5;

Citations: indentation 4 cm, size 1;

Abstract: without indentation, titles in bold, size 11;

Footnotes: without indentation, size 10; footnotes must necessarily appear at the bottom of the pages where their numerical indexes appear.



The texts must obey the following order:

  1. a) Title in bold, centralized, followed by translation of the title into English, in bold, centralized;
  2. b) Name of the author (s) in full, two lines below the title, aligned to the right; to be added only in the final version of the work, after approval by the referees;
  3. c) Scientific affiliation, in a footnote, with an asterisk, with the maximum title, the name of the institute or faculty to which it belongs and the name of the university (acronym); also to be added only in the final version of the work, after approval by the referees;
  4. d) Abstract, in the language of the text (between 100 and 250 words), two lines below the author's name, without indentation and in single spacing;
  5. e) Keywords (up to five), one line below the abstract, separated by a period; 
  6. f) The abstract and keywords must be included two lines below the keywords, following the same abstract and keyword patterns.
  7. g) Text: the text begins two lines below the keywords, with 1.5 spacing between lines and without spacing between paragraphs; the subtitles corresponding to each part of the text must appear on the left, in bold and without indentation.
  8. h) Bibliographic references must be included two lines below the text, without indentation, in alphabetical and chronological order, indicating the works quoted in the text.
  9. i) Bibliographic references: must be arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name, followed by their initials, in compliance with recent ABNT standards.

Abbreviations: journal titles should be abbreviated according to Current Contents.

Basic examples:



HALL, G. Exploring English Language Teaching: Language in Action. New York: Routledge, 2011. DOI

ORTIZ ALVAREZ, M. L.; HUELVA UNTERBAUMEN, H. (org.). Uma (re)visão da teoria e da pesquisa fraseológicas. Campinas: Pontes, 2011.

Chapter of books

MOITA LOPES, L. P. Afinal, o que é Linguística Aplicada? In: MOITA LOPES, L. P. Oficina de Linguística Aplicada: A Natureza Social e Educacional dos Processos de Ensino/Aprendizagem de Línguas. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 1996. p. 17-25.

HUNT, A.; BEGLAR, D. Current Research and Practice in Teaching Vocabulary. In: RICHARDS, J. C.; RENANDYA, W. A. (ed.). Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. DOI

PIRES DE OLIVEIRA, A. M. P.; ISQUERDO, A. N. Apresentação. In: PIRES DE OLIVEIRA, A. M. P.; ISQUERDO, A. N. (org.). As ciências do léxico: lexicologia, lexicografia, terminologia. 2. ed. Campo Grande: EdUFMS, 2001. p. 9-11.

Dissertations and thesis

 CORRÊA, G. G. As reformas educacionais brasileiras: programas de ensino em Ciências e seriação escolar. 1997. 201 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação). Centro de Ciências Humanas e Artes, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, 1997.

Journal articles

CAMPOS, M. M. Educação infantil: o debate e a pesquisa. Cadernos de Pesquisa, São Paulo, n. 101, p.113-127, jul. 1997.

Congress or similar paper (published)

MARIN, A. J. Educação continuada: sair do informalismo? In: CONGRESSO ESTADUAL PAULISTA SOBRE FORMAÇÃO DE EDUCADORES, 1, 1990. Águas de São Pedro. Anais. São Paulo: Unesp, 1990. p.114-118.

Online Publishing - Internet

TAVES, R. F. Ministério corta pagamento de 46,5 mil professores. O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 19 de maio 1998. Disponível em http// Acesso em 19 maio 1998.

Citation in the text

The author must be cited in parentheses by the surname, separated by a comma from the date of publication (BARBOSA, 1980). If the author's name is quoted in the text, only the date in parentheses is indicated: "Morais (1955) marks”. When it is necessary to specify page (s), this (these) must follow the date, separated by comma and preceded by p. (MUMFORD, 1949, p. 513).





Política padrão de seção


Artigos que não se enquadram na proposta dos dossiês.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.