The imaginary of love and war in mariana pineda of García Lorca


  • Sueli Maria de Regino Universidade Federal de Goiás



García Lorca, Mariana Pineda, Gilbert Durand, Imaginary of the secret


The years that preceded the première of the work Mariana Pineda, by García Lorca, in Barcelona, ​​were characterized, throughout Spain, by times of great social unrest. The dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera, in brutally suppressing the protests against the government and establishing rigorous censorship to theatrical texts and publications in general, and these actions motivated popular demonstrations against King Alfonso XIII. Mariana de Pineda was twenty-six when, in May 1831, she was publicly executed, accused of joining the revolutionary movement and of having contact with expatriate anarchists in Gibraltar. In his power was found a flag with a green triangle, surrounded by three words embroidered in red: Liberty, Equality, Law. This work investigates, through the symbolic hermeneutics proposed by Gilbert Durand, the work Mariana Pineda, by García Lorca, searching, in the constellations of images that are formed around the great axes proposed by Durand, the symbolic dynamics of the images of love and war, present in this work.



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Author Biography

Sueli Maria de Regino, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Professora de Literatura do Curso de Letras Libras Faculdade de Letras UFG


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GARCÍA LORCA, Federico. Obras completas. v. II. México: Aguilar,1991.

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________. Antología comentada (II, Teatro y prosa). Edición de Eutimio Martín. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre, 1989.

LORCA, Francisco García. Federico y su mundo. Madrid: AliançaTres, 1981.

MARTÍN, Eutímio. Selección, introducción y notas. In: GARCÍA LORCA, Federico. Antología comentada (I, Poesía). Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre, 1989.

NICHOLS, Sallie. Jung e o tarô, uma jornada arquetípica. São Paulo: Cultrix,1995.



How to Cite

DE REGINO, S. M. The imaginary of love and war in mariana pineda of García Lorca. Téssera, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 59–71, 2019. DOI: 10.14393/TES-v1n2-2019-48445. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


