The education of women in Brazil and the professionalization of teachers from a decolonial perspective




Women, Education, Genre, Decolonial


This article deals with women's education and the feminization of teaching, placing female education in the 19th century in the context of Brazil and its insertion in the teaching career from a perspective of decolonial historical analysis, which demonstrates its relevance in view of the studies undertaken so far that privilege other aspects of analyses. Based on her problem situation, the objective was to analyze, from the decolonial approach, the educational and professional fundamentals, knowledge and educational practices of women teachers. The starting point for feminist and gender analysis was decolonial feminist epistemologies. Gender and class, race/ethnicity issues are seen in this study not as individualized categories, but as inherent to the racialization of education, not contemplated by traditional science, but fundamental to understanding the multiple dimensions of women's subordination and its persistence.


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Author Biography

Elisângela Santos de Amorim, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Profa. Dra. do Departamento de Educação – I da Universidade Federal do Maranhão-UFMA e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão do Ensino da Educação Básica – PPGEEB/UFMA.



How to Cite

Santos de Amorim, E. (2023). The education of women in Brazil and the professionalization of teachers from a decolonial perspective. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 51(1), 392–438.