Narrative Exposure Therapy for the Integration of Migrants with PTSD in the Light of MIPEX Integration Project in Europe
DOI: clave:
PTSD, Trauma, Integration, NET, MIPEX, Mental health, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Narrative Exposure Therapy, Migrant Integration Policy IndexResumen
People who migrate in uncertain and traumatic circumstances can suffer from symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The life they will live after traumatic events can affect the process of treatment and healing. Daily stressors in host communities including basic survival needs, insecure and unhygienic shelter, lack of social support, language and cultural barriers, low socioeconomic status, and job insecurity can affect the process of integration negatively. This paper will explore the literature to understand the effects of short-term Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) along with the role of Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) tool on the integration of migrants suffering from PTSD. Literature supports that NET is effective as it has shown to help reduce the symptoms of PTSD in migrants, but social factors and daily stressors can become a hindrance in treatment. Some MIPEX tool indicators address the daily stressors which are required to decrease the symptoms of PTSD. Therefore, research concludes that NET and some MIPEX tool indicators if implemented correctly and simultaneously can help in reducing symptoms of PTSD and eventually help migrants better integrated.
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