The concept of constitutional patriotism in Jürgen Habermas

a critical analysis




Jürgen Habermas, Constitutional Patriotism, Loyalty, Solidarity


The purpose of this article is to carry out a critical analysis of the notion of constitutional patriotism as a basis for the constitution of post-constitutional identities nationals in Jürgen Habermas. In particular, an analysis of the Habermas' proposal, giving special attention to two possible axes critics: the difficulty imposed by the limits of the carrying capacity of the existing forms of solidarity (HABERMAS, 2006, p. 172) and the difficulty of generate bonds of loyalty. Thus, the following question arises: does patriotism constitution is capable of generating bonds of loyalty and solidarity enough for social integration? 


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Author Biography

Federico Rojas de Galarreta, Universidad de Chile

Assistant Professor at the University of Chile - Instituto de Estudios Internacionales. Doctor in Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Magister in Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Magíster in Political Science, Institute of Public Affairs - University of Chile. Degree in Political Science, University of Buenos Aires. Contact email: .



How to Cite

Rojas de Galarreta, F. (2023). The concept of constitutional patriotism in Jürgen Habermas: a critical analysis. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 51(1), 3–16.