The body as an object of the pharmacopornographic era, under a perspective offered by modern muiraquitãs, “feminismizing”, “neomasculinidativizing” and “decolonializing”, based on Canetti’s double mass concept




Sociology of the body, Pharmacopornography, Feminine condition and domination, New masculinities, Decoloniality


Taking into account the appropriation of the woman's body as a form of domination and subjugation throughout history, feminism emerged as a response to the power exercised by men, who became sovereign through law and organizational processes, and social ordering, this body being apprehended and manipulated through time, modernity, post-modernity, objectified by pharmacopornography, in one aspect, and which can be observed from a more “feminismized” and “decolonialized” point of view to establish the flag of the object of the present study, in addition to “neomasculinidativizing”, in allusion to studies of new masculinities. In the present study, the hypothesis is to verify whether these schools were able to combat and deconstruct the forms of control launched by capitalism and, in turn, how it will have to deal with the new corporeities, concluding that the evolutionary path is still very long. truncated, recalling differentiated compositions of society such as the Amazonian legend (or not) in which indigenous women scale in a community exclusively composed of them, choosing partners from a neighboring tribe only for procreation (specific use of the male body), presenting them with those with amulets known as muiraquitãs. For this purpose, a bibliographical review of classic texts on the sociology of the body and consultation of scientific texts that deal with the new themes addressed were used.


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Author Biography

Sandra Vania Jurado Vidal Torreão, UFF

Larga experiência como advogada civilista. Ex-Assessora do Ministério Público do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Ex-Juíza Leiga do TJRJ. Doutoranda em Sociologia e Direito, pela UFF. Mestre em História do Brasil. Mestranda em Administração Pública. Especialista em Direito Processual Civil, Empresarial, em Formação para a Carreira da Magistratura Estadual (EMERJ), Direito Civil (em finalização). Pós-graduanda em Direito Militar. Pós-graduanda em Advocacia Feminista e os Direitos da Mulher. Professora-tutora de EAD-CEDERJ/UFF, no Curso de Tecnólogo em Segurança Pública - Disciplina Justiça e Formas Alternativas de Solução de Conflitos. Professora de Direito Processual Civil e Direito do Consumidor. Membro da Comissão de Combate à Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher da OAB/RJ - Niterói e do Grupo de Trabalho de Enfrentamento à Violência de Gênero da Comissão OAB Mulher-RJ. Pesquisadora nas áreas de formas alternativas de solução de conflitos, segurança pública e cidadania feminina, com publicação de artigos científicos e capítulos de livros. Autora do livro “Entre telas manchadas e imaculadas – a Lei do Divórcio na Primeira República e a luta pela cidadania feminina”, Editora Sagga, 2019. Palestrante, colunista e poetisa. ORCID n: 0000-0002-2909-937X. 



How to Cite

Jurado Vidal Torreão, S. V. (2023). The body as an object of the pharmacopornographic era, under a perspective offered by modern muiraquitãs, “feminismizing”, “neomasculinidativizing” and “decolonializing”, based on Canetti’s double mass concept. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 51(1), 771–802.