Introduction to the history of German Private Law




History of law, German Private Law, Codification


This article presents a panoramic study of the historical evolution of German private law, highlighting its relevance to Brazilian law. For this purpose, a descriptive and deductive methodology is used, fundamentally based on bibliographical and legislative research. The work starts from the reception of Roman law by the Germanic states, passing through the period influenced by the Enlightenment, by the emergence of the Historical School and the Science of the Pandects, as well as by the Jurisprudence of Interests. The article analyzes the codification movement that culminated with the creation of the BGB and the developments of private law that occurred during the Weimar Republic, in the National Socialist dictatorship, as well as after the Second World War until the present day. The situation of private law in West Germany, East Germany and after the country's reunification is briefly examined. Finally, the research addresses the Europeanization of private law.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Estevam de Assis Zanini, USP e Max-Planck-Institut

Livre-docente e doutor em Direito Civil pela USP. Pós-doutorado em Direito Civil pelo Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (Hamburgo, Alemanha). Pós- doutorado em Direito Penal pelo Max-Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht (Alemanha). Doutorando em Direito Civil pela Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Alemanha). Mestre em Direito Civil pela PUC-SP. Bacharel em Direito pela USP. Juiz Federal na Seção Judiciária de São Paulo. Juiz Federal em auxílio à Corregedoria Regional da Justiça Federal da 3a Região. Pesquisador do Centro de Estudos em Democracia Ambiental da UFSCar. Foi bolsista da Max-Planck-Gesellschaft e da CAPES.



How to Cite

Zanini, L. E. de A. (2023). Introduction to the history of German Private Law. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 50(2), 635–670.