Drug dealer or user

the policy delegate's discriction in the affection of drug law offices and their consequences in the judges of the Santa Catarina Court of Justice


  • Christiane Heloisa Kalb Faculdade CESUSC
  • Marcos Guilherme Dorneles Staub Faculdade CESUSC




criminal law, drug law, court of justice of Santa Catarina, discretion


This article aims to investigate the extent to which the Santa Catarina Court of Justice (TJSC) maintains first-degree convictions in drug crimes in order to discover the influence suffered by the way in which the decision of the police authorities at the time of the investigation police influence the final outcome of the crime process. To do so, we first investigated the history of prohibitionism on a global scale, in order to understand its repercussions on brazilian legislation. Afterwards, the brazilian legislative evolution on the subject was analyzed, until reaching the current legislation, enacted in 2006, seeking to understand all the illegalities and disrespect for fundamental rights, as well as their real impact on brazilian criminal policy. In view of the fact that drug crimes are largely responsible for the high level of incarceration, we analized the extent the Santa Catarina Court of Justice contribute to this number, by maintaining the conduct imputed in the first degree. To this end, we use the bibliografy review methodology and jugdes analyses of 197 judges were analyzed, from January 2019 to January 2020, through the TJSC procedural consultation system. For now, what can be seen is that the Court maintained all first-degree convictions for drug trafficking, showing how the moment when the police investigation is launched plays a fundamental role in the final outcome of the process.


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Author Biographies

Christiane Heloisa Kalb, Faculdade CESUSC

Docente da Faculdade Cesusc mantida pelo Complexo de Ensino Superior de Santa Catarina no Curso de Direito - Florianópolis. Pós-Doutora em Ciências Humanas, PPGICH, UFSC (2018). Doutora em Ciências Humanas (DICH), na UFSC - Florianópolis/SC (2013-2017). Mestre em Patrimônio Cultural e Sociedade, pela Univille - Joinville (2012). Cursou especialização em Direito civil e processo civil, pela ACE - Joinville. Advogada atuante em Santa Catarina - OAB/SC 25.946. Formação em Direito (2006), Univille. Coordenadora do Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Direito Público e Teoria Social - Virtù, Núcleo de Acesso à cidadania e justiça e co-coordenadora do Núcleo de Atividades do Tribunal do Júri; da Faculdade CESUSC.

Marcos Guilherme Dorneles Staub, Faculdade CESUSC

Graduando do curso de Direito, Faculdade CESUSC. Estagiário desde abril de 2019 na Defensoria Pública de Santa Catarina. Membro do Grupo de estudos e pesquisa de Direito Público e Teoria de Estado - Virtù, Faculdade CESUSC. Bolsista art. 170 da Constituição Estadual de Santa Catarina - iniciação cientifica.



How to Cite

Kalb, C. H., & Dorneles Staub, M. G. (2023). Drug dealer or user: the policy delegate’s discriction in the affection of drug law offices and their consequences in the judges of the Santa Catarina Court of Justice. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 50(2), 247–272. https://doi.org/10.14393/RFADIR-50.2.2022.55631.247-272