Contemporary aspects of privacy

is there a right to extimacy?


  • Iuri Bolesina Faculdade Meridional - IMED/RS
  • Talita de Moura Faccin Faculdade Meridional - IMED/RS



Right to Privacy, Extinction, Control society, Contemporary Transformations


The present study addresses privacy and extimacy, through a historical context, aiming to analyze the changes that have occurred over the years with privacy, and how it is today, and even if it was able to originate new rights, or housed everything within of the great genre that it is, and it just kept up to date. The objective is to deconstruct some ideas arising from common sense, as well as to present the theme, always placing it in a contemporaneity bias, in order to provide greater knowledge about this theme, removing any doubts, but leaving the reader with curiosity to delve deeper into the subject. the subject. The methodology applied is through the deductive method of approach, seeking to interpret reality from the chosen contributions. It starts from what was experienced alongside concepts, rescuing, questioning and reinterpreting the assigned meanings, applying general principles to the specific context. As a method of procedure, the monograph will be used. And, finally, regarding the research technique, indirect documentation will be adopted. The first chapter distinguishes between privacy and the right to privacy; in the second there is a historical context of the right to privacy; and the third talks about extimacy, and based on this concept, the dichotomy between public and private, disciplinary, control and spectacle societies, ending with the right to extimacy. In the end, it was concluded that privacy has changed and that today it is challenged by the concept of extimacy, a current and present prerogative in the technological world, which is capable of breaking paradigms, ranging from the public-private dichotomy to morality ( which is linked to intimacy), stimulating a possible right to extimacy.


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Author Biographies

Iuri Bolesina, Faculdade Meridional - IMED/RS

Doutor e Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC. Especialista em Direito Civil pela Faculdade Meridional - IMED. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade de Passo Fundo - UPF. Advogado. Coordenador e Professor do Curso de Direito na Faculdade Meridional - IMED. 

Talita de Moura Faccin, Faculdade Meridional - IMED/RS

Acadêmica do curso de Direito da Faculdade Meridiona-IMED. Atualmente é Estagiária do Tribunal Regional da 4ª Região.



How to Cite

Bolesina, I., & de Moura Faccin, T. (2023). Contemporary aspects of privacy: is there a right to extimacy?. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 50(2), 603–634.