Legitimidade Ativa do Ministério Público nas Ações Coletivas para a Defesa dos Interesses Individuais Homgêneos


  • Daniele Alves Moraes


Standing to act, Public Prossecution Service, Individual Homogeneous Interest


A great discussion exists in the doctrine concerning about the standing to act of the public prosecution service to defend in judgement the homogeneous individual interests. Some of the legal authors understands that the public prosecution service doesn't possess such standing and others understands that possesses. The present work analyzes the positions of several legal authors and recent judgements on the theme to end for the standing of one of the institutions that shows a great activism in the collective, diffuse and individual homogeneous interests defense.


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How to Cite

Alves Moraes, D. (2010). Legitimidade Ativa do Ministério Público nas Ações Coletivas para a Defesa dos Interesses Individuais Homgêneos. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 37. Retrieved from https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/revistafadir/article/view/18473