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Call for papers  - Dossier “Human Rights and the Internet: Contemporary Challenges”

The Editorial Board and the Editors of the Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia inform that the selection process of articles by national and foreign researchers is now open to integrate a thematic dossier “Human Rights and the Internet: Contemporary Challenges”, under the coordination of Professor PhD Daniela Bucci (Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul - USCS), which will be part of volume 50, n. 1, (2022).

The proposal of this dossier “Human Rights and the Internet: Contemporary Challenges” arises from the need to reflect on the implementation or violation of fundamental rights and human rights, as well as on the conflicts between rights that emerge from the creation and development of new technologies and their impacts. The objective, therefore, is to receive texts that promote the debate on the contemporary challenges of the relations between rights or the new perspectives that need to be offered regarding human and fundamental rights in the context of the Internet, providing contributions to advance the solution of the problems faced. currently by national and international society in this context.  

Papers may be written in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French or Italian, and must be submitted through the Journal page according to the “Guidelines for Authors” available in the link: Interested parties who are not registered with the Journal must do so on the Journal's platform, accessed under the aforementioned link.

Deadline for contributions: March 30th, 2022.

Do not miss this opportunity!