Justice League:

Advertising and Prosumerism at Snyder Cut Release By Streaming





Cinema, Transmediatic Narrative, Prosumerism, Publicity, Streaming


This article corresponds to a case study of the release of Zack Snyder's Justice League, announced for 2021. It is the director's initial vision for the feature film Justice League (2017), marked by backstage conflicts and interference from Warner Bros. (WB) in the creative control of the project. Through prosumer consumer activism, marketing strategies were used to claim the work's original proposal. With the theoretical framework of authors such as Shirky (2011), Rheingold (1996) and Jenkins (2014), the article verifies the hypothesis that the ad under was a strategic response to the fan to promote HBO Max, the new streaming service of the studio. The extension of the film adaptation to the platform characterizes the product as a transmedia narrative, which contributes to the understanding of the narrative universe of DC Films and its controversies.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Sérgio Ferreira Paiva, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Brasil

"O autor deste artigo científico agradece ao apoio financeiro da Fundação Antônio dos Santos Abranches – FASA, por meio da Bolsa Fasa Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu, para a produção deste trabalho."

Dario Brito Rocha Júnior, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Brasil




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How to Cite

Paiva, R. S. F., Rocha Júnior, D. B. ., & Peixoto, J. G. de M. (2020). Justice League: : Advertising and Prosumerism at Snyder Cut Release By Streaming. Paradoxos, 5(2), 229–245. https://doi.org/10.14393/par-v5n2-2020-57143