
O cadastro no sistema e posterior acesso, por meio de login e senha, são obrigatórios para a submissão de trabalhos, bem como para acompanhar o processo editorial em curso. Acesso em uma conta existente ou Registrar uma nova conta.

Condições para submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, justificar em "Comentários ao Editor".
  • Todos os endereços de páginas na Internet (URLs), incluídas no texto (Ex.: estão ativos e prontos para clicar.
  • O texto está em espaço simples; usa uma fonte de 12-pontos; emprega itálico ao invés de sublinhar (exceto em endereços URL); com figuras e tabelas inseridas no texto, e não em seu final.
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na seção Sobre a Revista.
  • A identificação de autoria deste trabalho foi removida do arquivo e da opção Propriedades no Word, garantindo desta forma o critério de sigilo da revista, caso submetido para avaliação por pares (ex.: artigos), conforme instruções disponíveis em Asegurando a Avaliação por Pares Cega.
  • Os arquivos para submissão estão em formato word. As figuras estão em arquivos separados em arquivos excel ou jpeg.
  • É necessário que o autor indique seis nomes para avaliação de seu próprio artigo a ser submetido.

Diretrizes para Autores

Submission of Manuscripts Submitted manuscripts are considered not to be prior published in any other Publication. It is a condition of publication in the journal that authors grant an exclusive license to The Federal University of Uberlândia and the National Association of Biosecurity. Submitted manuscripts will be refereed by at least two ad hoc referees who will be invited by the member of the editorial board. The advisers will be chosen according to their area of Biosafety and Biosecurity. The authors will receive the first communication on the review of their work in a period of fifteen days. Submitted papers should be related to the following areas: OGM - Genetic modified organism, Genes Therapy, trunk cell, biodiversity protection, legislation related to Biosafety, Biosecurity quality, evaluation and risks assessment, Barriers of contention, Successful practices on Biosecurity, Transportation of dangerous goods, Environment run, Risks, Program of Residues management and Risks Map, decontamination of Unities: Labs and Hospitals; Animal Housing, Preventing and fighting against fire; Ethics and animal experimentation, Ethics in Research, Transferring biological material, Biopiracy, Bioethics, Intelectual ownership, General Biosafety, Successful practices in Labs, Biotechnology and Biosecurity, Bioterrorism (preventing biologic guns, double use research), and others. Authors should submit their articles accompanied by a letter on the type of material being submitted and its area. Language: The author can choose the submission of work in English, Portuguese and Spanish. If the author chooses Portuguese or Spanish, after its acceptance for publication of work by IJBB, the author should send the version of the paper accepted for publication in English. Manuscripts Papers: Originals in Portuguese, English or Spanish are welcome. Papers should present Abstracts, Introduction, Results, and discussion, data, Conclusion and References. Revising Articles (Portuguese, English or Spanish): revision about Biosecurity and Biosafety progress; the journal can invite qualified researchers to submit this kind of publication. Technical Notes (Portuguese, English or Spanish): disseminating methods, techniques, equipments or devices developed at Labs. Legislation (Portuguese, English or Spanish): legislation on Biosecurity and Biosafety. Other topics (Portuguese, English or Spanish): discussion of other themes concerning Biosecurity and Biosafety. Guidelines for Presentation of Manuscripts The works must be submitted following the guidelines of the computational program of the International Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity. Every text should be in font Arial, size 12, line spacing 1,5, right and left margins with 3cm. Upper and inferior margins with 2,5cm. The first page of the papers should have a Title, author's name, affiliations and e-mail address of all authors. If necessary, authors can check a paper published in our last issue. The second Page should have the title and an abstract (in English is required and the abstract in a second language, Portuguese or Spanish) with 150 words. Three key-words (English and Portuguese or Spanish) should be included. Figures, photographs and others should have a good quality of edition and should be sent in a separated file, but not in word. In response to Brazilian legislation, articles related to research on human being, should send document of approval of an ethics committee. References should be numbered consecutively in the text by using superscripts without parentheses. The complete list of references should also be at the end of the paper. Every author quoted should be included: the last name comes first followed by first letters of authors' first names. Then the article title should be italicized followed by volume, pages and year. The same format should be applied for Books cited, including the editor's name, place and year of publication. Journal Articles Authors' surnames, initial; title of the article. Name of the journal, volume, page, year. Books with no editor Authors' surnames, initial; title of the book. City, year; page. Books with editors Authors' surnames, initial; In: Title of the book; editor's surname, initial, publisher; city, year; page. Software Authors' surnames, initial. Title of the software; city, country, year. Theses Author's surname, initial. PhD Thesis, name of University, country, year. Material presented on scientific events Authors' surnames, initial. Name of the event, city, country, year. Web pages Web page address, date of access. References for unpublished materials Accepted for publication Authors' surnames, initial. Name of the journal, in the press. Materials submitted, but not accepted yet Authors' surnames, initial. Name of the journal, submitted. Papers and unpublished materials Authors' surnames, initial, not published.


Nesta seção serão convidados pesquisadores de renome para escrever o editorial com respeito a biossegurança e biosseguridade do momento.

Editor Letter

Nesta sessão o editor da revista escreverá sobre o perfil do volume atual e políticas relacionadas a revista.

Política de Privacidade

The names and email addresses on this site will be used solely for the purposes of the review were not available for other purposes.