Local authority and the rwandan genocide of 1994: The case of the Bourgmestre Jean-Paul Akayesu
Rwanda, Genocide, AkayesuAbstract
This article aims to reflect on the place that Rwandan politicians linked to the small local administrations, mainly the communes, possessed before the organization and execution of the genocide of Rwanda in 1994. To this end, we constructed an analysis from a case study linked to the burgomaster Jean-Paul Akayesu, who administered the commune of Taba (prefecture of Gitarama) in the previous period and during the genocide. The analysis is constructed mainly from the document produced by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) entitled The prosecutor versus Jean-Paul Akayesu – Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, 1998. In this way, the aim is also to assess the harmful effects of Belgian colonialism in a process of mental colonization.
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