From provincial reports to the residents polyphony of the Quilombo reminiscent of Santa Tereza do Matupiri-Andirá/AM, Northern Brazil
Black resistance, Traditional peoples, AmazonAbstract
A historiographical survey was made on the theme of black slavery in the Amazon, based on nineteenth century provincial reports, with a focus on the recognition process by the Palmares Foundation, as well as the formalization by the federal government of the titling of the quilombola Andirá, where the Quilombo Reminiscent of the Matupiri figure as district of Barreirinha/Amazonas. We have pondered the plans of enslaved women in Amazonas and in the region of Villa Bella da Imperatriz, where the Andirá was under jurisdiction. It was emphasized, emphasizing polyphony, to narratives of collaborators, who emphasized their senses of living, celebrating the saints, harvests and plantations, as acts of resistance against the denials on the part of the state of their rights of citizenship, because, roughly , they are treated as refugees within Brazilian territory. Matupiri's quilombolas reminiscents have long hoped for improvements among communities, especially after their recognition by decree. They await the installation of a school with better infrastructure, treated water, school transportation and academic training promoted by the municipality. But what you see is complete neglect and neglect. Given the above, we conclude that Matupiri resists, survives and fights against injustices and other landslide measures regarding the titling of local lands, which only makes life difficult for the quilombola people in the Amazon.
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