Evaluation of ERP Acceptance from the UTAUT Model
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User acceptance of information technology
Multiple case study
Integrated Management System

How to Cite

Castro, J. P. da C., Duarte, G. R., Momo, F. da S., Behr, A., & Bonato Marcolin, C. (2020). Evaluation of ERP Acceptance from the UTAUT Model: A Qualitative View in a Multiple Case Study. Management in Perspective, 1(2), 208–232. https://doi.org/10.14393/MIP-v1n2-2020-47033


One of the types of information systems that enables the integration of business activities and processes is the Integrated Management System (IMS)/ the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). This study aims to evaluate the acceptance of an information system use by members of four organizations. The question of the research is: what are the outstanding elements in ERP acceptance considering the perspective of UTAUT evaluation model? The importance of the research is in the prevention of business risks when implementing technologies. The UTAUT evaluation model is a synthesis of several theoretical models and it is widely used due to its characteristics of user perception evaluation, the real system users.  The model verifies four determining factors and four moderating conditions of acceptance and intention of Information Technology use. It is a descriptive and qualitative research and it uses the multiple case study method. The analyses showed unanimity regarding the concern about the lack of trust in the users who feed the system and consequently in the generated information. There was a productivity increase in companies where partial implementation of the system occurred. In contrast, there was productivity increase in companies with full implementation of the system. In companies where the system was of optional use, those who did it gained empathy from managers. Most users were dissatisfied with the usability of the systems, as they were not considered appropriate to the business types in which they were used.

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