About the Journal

Focus and Purpose

Téssera Magazine is an electronic periodical publication of the Imaginary Working Group, Literary Representations and Cultural Displacements, WG affiliated to the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Languages and Linguistics/ANPOLL. It is a scientific magazine dedicated exclusively to the imaginary research line, which will publish unpublished articles with a critical and theoretical contribution to the critique of the imaginary, in the sections "Dossier", "Free" and "Reviews" The papers presented to the magazine can be written in Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian and English, and must relate to the critique of the imaginary. All papers to be submitted for publication must be duly reviewed and within the indicated standards. Demands that do not meet the requirements of the Magazine will not be examined.

Research Ethics (on Plagiarism and Human Beings)

Authors must ensure the originality of the work, since the magazine does not admit plagiarism, self-plagiarism or misappropriation of fragments, ideas. The submitted work must be unpublished. The magazine has an anti-plagiarism check. Before the articles are sent to the referees, they go through this tool, but it is up to you, the author, to demonstrate this care.

Likewise, research with human beings must respect the laws of ethics: every article that involves research with human beings must be accompanied by a document (an opinion) attesting that it has been approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with Human Beings (CEP) .

 Peer Review Process

The works are analyzed by peers, without identifying the author or the referees. Evaluators have 30 days to issue an opinion. There may be approval with suggested changes. In the event of odd opinions (approved and rejected), a third reviewer will be convened, within the policy of the magazine's reviewers (members or ad hoc).

If the work is approved with suggested modifications, the author (s) will have a period of 15 (fifteen) days, after notification, to return the article within the required period.

In order for the "blind assessment" to occur, the text must be sent without any identification, neither by author nor institutional affiliation.


Téssera Magazine will publish an issue every semester, which will be edited under the responsibility of the Director and the Editorial Board. The two semesters are alternated in Dossier and Free themes, and both are accompanied by a review. All publications are within the scope of imaginary research.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


Being a vehicle for scientific registration and dissemination, Téssera magazine aims to:

  1. Disseminate research carried out within the scope of the Imaginary WG, literary representations and cultural movements;
  2. Disseminate, in article format, results of research developed or under development related to the criticism of the imaginary;
  3. Propose national and foreign themes, within the studies of the imaginary, in order to strengthen exchanges with different institutions.