Denial of hospitalization in cases of urgency of people with schizophrenia by the health plans

an analysis of the jurisprudence of the Pernambuco Court of Justice in the years 2020 and 2021


  • Vinicius Calado Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)
  • Matheus Quadros Lacerda Troccoli Universidade Católica de Pernambuco



right to health, supplementary health, schizophrenia, psychiatric hospitalization, TJPE


The present work analyzes collegiate decisions of the Court of Justice of the State of Pernambuco (TJPE) handed down in the years 2020 and 2021 regarding the psychiatric hospitalization of beneficiaries of health plans, people with schizophrenia, who sought judicial protections aiming at emergency assistance. As for the methodological aspects, a bibliographical and documentary research is carried out, with the construction of the corpus being developed through the computerized system of the chosen Court, using a mechanism contained in its own website that contains the state repository of its judgments (Jurisprudential Consultation TJPE), using the following “key words”: “schizophrenia”, “health plan” and “psychiatric hospitalization”. As a quantitative result resulting from this first filter, 35 (thirty-five) judgments were initially obtained, and a second filter was subsequently applied manually by the researcher, where 11 (eleven) judgments remained that have elements directly linked to the issue of denial of hospitalization by the operators of health plans. A literature review was carried out on the subject, in addition to the legislation, based on the findings in the judgments that were based on the CFRB, the CDC, the CC, the CPC and the LPS. Finally, an analysis of the judicial decisions collected from which the essential elements that are valued by the Justices of the TJPE were extracted, concluding that the understanding of the Court has been favorable to the beneficiaries of health plans, mainly with regard to search for emergency assistance to preserve mental health.


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Author Biographies

Vinicius Calado, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP)

Doutor (2020), mestre (2012) e bacharel (2000) em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - UNICAP. Pesquisador dos Grupos de Pesquisa Linguagem & Direito e Direito e Inovação (Unicap/CNPq). Atua como professor Assistente III de Direito Civil, Direito do Consumidor e Orientação Monográfica na UNICAP (desde 2011). É ainda coordenador do LLM em Direito Médico e da Saúde e coordenador adjunto do MBA em Blockchain e Criptoativos, ambos da Católica Business School (CBS/UNICAP). Advogado do Sindicato dos Médicos de Pernambuco (desde 2002), além de sócio do escritório Calado & Souza Advogados Associados.

Matheus Quadros Lacerda Troccoli , Universidade Católica de Pernambuco

Pós-graduando em Direito Médico e da Saúde pela Católica Business School. Advogado. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco – UNICAP (2022). Foi pesquisador (PIBIC) e monitor durante a graduação em Direito na UNICAP. Conquistou o 1° lugar no Concurso de Monografias realizado pelo BRASILCON (2022). Pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa Direito e Inovação da UNICAP.



How to Cite

Calado, V., & Quadros Lacerda Troccoli , M. (2023). Denial of hospitalization in cases of urgency of people with schizophrenia by the health plans: an analysis of the jurisprudence of the Pernambuco Court of Justice in the years 2020 and 2021. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 50(2), 519–549.