New Technologies and Urban (In)security

from Fortified Enclave to Digital Panoptical




City, Surveillance, Segregation, Insecurity, Technology, Law


Abstract: The present article has as main objective to investigate the consequences of the implementation of the new technologies in the contemporary urban context, with special focus on the fortified enclave figure. The article seeks to discuss interactions between law, insecurity, fear, segregation and consumption in Brazilian cities. Regarding the methodological aspects, a bibliographical revision was chosen, using as its source researchers in the area of Social Sciences, Philosophy and Law. The basic theories used come from Robert Castel's sociological research on social insecurity; Zygmunt Bauman, on the relations between segregation, consumption and postmodernity; and Teresa Pires do Rio Caldeira, referring to the fortified enclaves. As conclusions, there is an erosion of civil and social protections, against the technological dynamics of modern cities. With advances in surveillance mechanisms, based on possible breaches of privacy, the fortified enclave and the smart city have become Lawdigital panoptical.


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Author Biographies

Luciano Vaz Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG/RS

Professor da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG) no Curso de Direito e no
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito e Justiça Social. Doutor em Estudos Estratégicos
Internacionais (UFRGS), com período de pesquisa na American University (Washington, D.
C., EUA). Mestre em Direito (UNISINOS). Graduado em Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais

Carla Froener Ferreira, Universidade La Salle - RS

Mestre em Direito (Universidade La Salle). Especialista em Direito Civil e Processo Civil
(IDC). Graduada em Direito (UniRitter). Advogada.



How to Cite

Vaz Ferreira, L., & Froener Ferreira, C. . (2020). New Technologies and Urban (In)security: from Fortified Enclave to Digital Panoptical. Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, 47(2).