Ineligibility Resulting from Administrative Misconduct Action Provided for in Article 1º, Section I, Paragraph "l" of Ineligibility Act
Lei Complementar nº 64/90, Artigo 1º, Inciso i, Alínea "l"
Administrative misconduct, Ineligibility, Electoral Law, DemocracyAbstract
This paper analyzes the ineligibility resulting from administrative misconduct action provided for in Article 1, section I , paragraph " l" of ineligibility Act. Therefore, the reflection of the democracy abd is sought about the importance of the effect of principles related to administrative misconduct: morality, administrative probity and legality . To finally examine article 1, section , I, item "l " of Complementary Law 64/90 , highlighting the doctrinal position and case studies on the national scene . It makes use of te empirical method for the analysis of tangible cases.