Estatuto da Cidade
da Constitucionalidade do Usucapião Urbano Coletivo
Statute of the City, collective urban processory title, constitutionalityAbstract
Objective the present study to discourse on the Statute of the City (Law N. 10,257/01), specifically with regard to the constitutionality of the new usucapiatória species for it created - the collective urban processory title. By the way, the new modality of buying lapsing lode to make possible the regularization of areas of slum quarters or residential accumulations without conditions of dominial legalization, as well as to propitiate the necessary urbanization of the busy territorial space through structural urbanísticas transformations, social improvements and ambient valuation. Of this form, this study it intends to demonstrate that the collective urban processory title does not offend the text of the Federal Constitution of 1988, but, in contrast, corporifica as new legal instrument that it aims at to contribute for the achievement of one urban politics
that privileges the social function of the urban real state property in Brazil, from one politics of agrarian regularization for the low income population.