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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • It is an original paper and it does not contain any form of plagiarism, being the author aware of his express responsibility for the use of texts and images of third parties, when such use requires authorization.
  • All Internet page addresses (URLs), included in the text (Ex .: are active and ready to click.
  • The article is recorded in Microsoft Word format or in RTF (Rich Text Format) extension without exceeding 2MB.
  • Metadata was filled with the title of the paper, name (s) of the author (s), title, institution to which it is linked, postal address, telephone, e-mail and ORCID, given that the data and information regarding the registration is your responsibility.
  • The article is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The article follows the editorial policy of the journal, so that the contribution is in line with its 'focus and scope'.
  • The writing of the article is in line with the English orthographic rules.
  • The article follows the citation system 'author-data' <(LAST NAME, year, page)>, to the detriment of the use of footnotes (with the exception of explanatory notes).
  • The article is written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.
  • The article is accompanied by an abstract and keywords in the original language of the text, as well as in another language (English, Spanish, French or Italian).
  • The submission has at least one author or doctor co-author, respecting the limit of three authors.
  • The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and from the option 'Properties in Word', thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criterion for peer review, according to the instructions available in 'Ensuring Blind Peer Review'.
  • The text has a minimum length of 15 and a maximum of 30 pages for scientific articles; between 2 and 10 pages for book reviews or legislative comments, and between 5 and 15 pages for jurisprudential comments.
  • The text follows the style standards (ABNT NBR6022) and bibliographic requirements (ABNT NBR 6023), contained in Guidelines for Authors.
  • If applicable, the funding agency was indicated if the research that originated the scientific article was funded.
  • The author understands that the submission of the text transfers the copyright on the text free of charge, under the terms of the 'Term of Free Assignment of Copyright', set out below.
  • The author is aware of this Journal's policy of ethics and best research practices.

Author Guidelines

The journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia, biannual publication, available in printed (ISSN 2177-4919) and online (ISSN 2178-0498) versions, is intended for the dissemination of the academic production of the faculty and graduate students of the Faculty of Law "Prof. Jacy de Assis", being also open for the dissemination of unpublished articles sent by national and foreign collaborators.

The editorial line of the journal is linked to the area of ​​concentration of the Post-Graduation Program in Law of the Faculty of Law "Prof. Jacy de Assis" of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) entitled "Fundamental rights and guarantees", divided into two lines of research, namely, "legal protection and public policies" and "society, sustainability and fundamental rights". In this sense, the journal aims to publish articles on the theme, according to different perspectives and methodological approaches, be they Public Law or Private Law, as well as contributions from related areas.

The articles submitted express concepts that are of the responsibility of their authors, coinciding or not with the views of the Editorial Board of the Journal, and they are also responsible for complying with technical standards and their methodological options.

Currently, the Journal is open for submission of texts that have at least one author with a PhD.


Guidelines for Authors:

1 Submission: all collaborations must be sent through the Electronic Magazine Editing System - SEER:

2 ABNT Norms: the articles must follow the current brazilian norms : NBR 6022/2003 (Article in printed scientific periodical publication), NBR 6023/2002 (References - Elaboration), NBR 6024/2003 (Progressive numbering of the sections of a written document), NBR 6028/2003 (Abstract), NBR 10520 / 2002 (Citations in documents), NBR 14724/2005 (Academic works).

2.1 Title of the work: it must be brief and sufficiently specific and descriptive. If there is a subtitle, it must appear differentiated typographically from the title or separated from it by two points.

2.2 Explanatory notes: if necessary, they must be indicated by Arabic numbers immediately after the sentence to which they refer, in a consecutive order. Notes should come at the bottom of the corresponding page.

2.3 Abstract: It should contain a maximum of 350 words, including objectives, methods, results, conclusions, accompanied by its translation into English, Spanish, French or Italian. It must include keywords (maximum of five) separated by a period, accompanied by their translation into English, Spanish, French or Italian. The abstract, in its structure, should include the following items: a) objective, b) method, c) results, d) research conclusions.


2.4 Text formatting (NBR 6022): 

a) Margins: upper and left = 3 cm; bottom and right = 2 cm;

b) Font and size: Century Schoolbook - 12pt (direct quotes with more than four lines should be in 10pt, as well as the abstract in two languages)

c) Line spacing: 1.5cm (direct quotes with more than four lines of extension must come in single-spacing, as well as the list of references at the end of the text)

d) Indentation of the paragraph: TAB of 1.25 cm from the left margin (direct citations with more than four lines of extension must come to 4.0 cm from left margin, in block)

e) Spacing between paragraphs: 0cm (in the list of references at the end of the text, the space between the lines will be 6pt before and after);


2.5 Citation: adopt the author-data system as a model for citations (the use of footnotes occurs only for explanatory notes).

Example: "[... ] the law is the result of the primary rule" (KELSEN, 1963, p. 234).   


In Kelsen's (1963, p. 234) opinion , "Law is the result of the primary [...] rule".


2.6 Hyperlink: all electronic addresses included in the text (Ex .: ) must contain hyperlink and be active.

2.7 References: References at the end of the text must follow the alphabetical order. The accuracy and appropriateness of the references are the responsibility of the author.


NBR6023: REFERENCE PATTERNS (for inserting the bibliographic references at the end of the article)

a) Books

LAST NAME, Name. Title in bold. Place of publication: editing company, year of publication. Total of pages.

Example: DINIZ, Maria Helena. Compêndio de introdução à ciência do direito. 19. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2008. 591p.

b) Book chapters

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the Chapter. In: LAST NAME, Name (Ed.). Title of the Book in bold. Place of publication: editing company, year of publication. First and last page of the chapter. 

Exemple (book chapter without different authorship)
COELHO, Fabio Ulhoa. Condomínio. In: ______. Curso de direito civil. 2. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2009. v. 4, cap. 46, p. 121-166.

Exemple (book chapter with different authorship)
BARBOSA, Camilo de Lelis Colani Barbosa; PAMPLONA FILHO, Rodolfo. Compreendendo os novos limites à propriedade: uma análise do art. 1.228 do código civil brasileiro. In: FILOMENO, José Geraldo Brito; WAGNER JUNIOR, Luiz Guilherme da Costa; GONÇALVES, Renato Afonso (Coord.). O código civil e sua interdisciplinaridade: os reflexos do código civil nos demais ramos do direito. Belo Horizonte: Del Rey, 2004. cap. 14, p. 603-621.

c) Final Course Works, Master Thesis and PhD Dissertations

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the Work in bold: subtitle if existant without bold. Number of pages. Type of Work (Graduation level) - University, Institute, place (city of the university), year presented. 

Exemple:  ALBUQUERQUE, Maria Eulália Tomasi. O testemunho da violência perturbada: estupro em crianças e adolescentes.  147f. Tese (Doutorado) - Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2007.

d) Paper presented in an event

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the Work in bold: subtitle if existant without bold. In: Name of the Event, number of the venet, year of its occurance, place of its occurante. Title of the document that publish it, normally "Annals" , in bold. Place of publication (city): editing company, year. fisrt and last page of the work.

Exemple: DINIZ, Márcio Augusto de Vasconcelos. Direitos fundamentais e retórica política. In: SEMINARIO NACIONAL DE PESQUISA E PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM DIREITO, 4., 1995, Belo Horizonte. Anais... Belo Horizonte: UFMG, 1995. p. 233-255.

e) Journal Articles 

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the Journal in bold, Place of publication (city), volume and/or year, number, inicial and final page of the article, month (abbreviated) and year of publication. 

Exemple (printed journal article)
MELLO, Yuri Lopes de. Reserva legal: fundamento constitucional e políticas públicas. Revista de Direito Ambiental, São Paulo, ano 15, n. 60, p. 123-148, out./dez. 2010.

Exemple (journal article - available online)
MAZZA, Fábio Ferreira. Aspectos insconstitucionais do ressarcimento ao SUS. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, v. 38, n. 2, 2010. Disponível em: <http://www....>. Acesso em: 24 fev. 2011.

f) Legislation

COUNTRY. Law n. XXX. Subtitle, if existante. Oficial Publication of the country in bold, City, Date. Available at: < http://www....>. Accessed on: day month year. 

Exemple (legislation published available online)
BRASIL. Lei nº 10.098, de 19 de dezembro de 2000. Estabelece normas gerais e critérios básicos para a promoção da acessibilidade das pessoas portadoras de deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida, e da outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, DF, 20 dez. 2000. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 28 fev. 2011.

g) Document available through eletronic means

LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the document in bold. Place of publication (city): editing company, date of publication.  Description of publishing method.

Exemple (document in CD-ROM)
CASSONE, Vittorio; CASSONE, Maria Eugenia Teixeira. Processo tributário: teoria e prática. 8. ed. rev. e reform. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007. 1 CD-ROM. 


2.8 Appendices and annexes: they can be used in the case of extensive listings, statistics and other supporting elements.

2.9 Figures and tables: sharp photographs, graphs and tables in black and white (strictly indispensable for the clarity of the text) will be accepted and should be marked, in the text, by their order number, in the places where they must be inserted. Mention the source and refer to it at the end of the paper.


2.10 Guide to Book Reviews (suggested structure): 1 - Identification of the work - essential bibliographic data of the book; 2 - Author - talk a little about the author (academic biography); 3 - Presentation of the work - the content of the text in a few lines - introduction - to be reviewed; 4 - Structuring - the chapters divided into sections / narrative focus; 5 - Content - what the work says, the short text of 3 to 5 paragraphs; or one paragraph per chapter. 6 - Recommendations - social or pedagogical elements. For what kind of audience the work would be interesting. Size: usually 2 to 10 pages


2.11 Guide for Comments on Jurisprudence (suggested structure): 1- Summary of the case - arguments and court decision; 2 - Background Questions - divide into two to three topics that highlight the relevance of the judgment, using doctrine to support your reasoning; 3- Conclusion - final considerations about the judgment and its relevance; 4- References - only those used in the comment. Size: usually 5 to 15 pages


3. The receipt of the article does not imply mandatory publication. The editor may resubmit the originals to the author to adapt them to editorial standards or to clarify any doubts that may exist.

4. Evaluation: the originals will be evaluated anonymously by the members of the Editorial Board and by ad hoc internal and external reviewers, according to the double blind review system, the results of which will be communicated immediately to the author(s).

5. Verification items for submission: as part of the process, authors must verify the compliance of the submission in relation to all items. Submissions that do not comply with the rules or metadata that are not filled in correctly will not be considered for evaluation. In this case, the referred article will be returned to the author.

6. Copyright: The journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia reserves the copyright of the published work, adopting the criteria CC (creative commons), BY (although the author assigns the copyright to Revistam, the due credits of the text will be given to him , as the holder of intellectual property rights), NC (it is possible to use the material published in the Magazine, provided that it is for non-commercial purposes); and ND (it is possible that works are created from the original material provided the source is cited, in this case, the Magazine). Any reproduction, therefore, must obtain express authorization from the Editorial Board.

7. Privacy policy: The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided for this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.

8. Ethics and integrity policies in research: This journal follows the principles of transparency and best practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding ethical issues in research, as well as the CNPq recommendations on the topic. Therefore, UFU's Law Journal informs that it adopts plagiarism analysis in its evaluation process, and all accepted submissions are analyzed with the help of appropriate software for this purpose (software FAREJADOR) and subsequent content analysis made by the editorial team. Submissions that present the presence of plagiarism will be canceled and the authors informed of the reason for the cancellation.

9. Costs: There are no charges to submit or publish an article.

10. Exceptions and missing cases will be resolved by the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Uberlândia.

Foreign Authors

This section receives foreign contributions (Brazilian or foreign people linked to institutions not located in Brazil) on topics related to the scope of the Journal.


This section receives original articles linked to the theme of "Fundamental rights and guarantees" - concentration area of the UFU Graduate Law Program, which presents different perspectives and methodological approaches, be they Public Law or Private Law, as well as contributions from related areas.

Book Reviews

This section aims to disseminate the most recent publications (books) in the area of Law.

Jurisprudence Analysis

This section receives analyzes of judgments from domestic and international bodies that present a relevant theme for society and/or paradigmatic changes in the field of Applied Social Sciences.

Comments on Legislative Innovations

This section aims to critically debate the approval of new legislation in Brazil and abroad.

Interviews, Lectures, Reports and Amicus Curiae

This section aims to disseminate interviews and/or lectures held in the university environment, in addition to reports or Amicus Curiae produced in this space, in order to spread knowledge.

Abstracts of Dissertations and Theses

This section receives abstracts of dissertations and / or theses defended in Brazil in Postgraduate Programs recognized by the Ministry of Education of Brazil.

Abstracts: Critical International law

Abstracts of papers presented at events sponsored by the Journal, specifically, the International Seminars on Critical International Law.

Abstracts: Migration and Protection of People

Abstracts of works presented in events supported by UFU's Journal of the Faculty of Law, specifically, the Symposia on Migration and Protection of People.

Abstracts: Over-indebtedness and Consumer Protection

Abstracts of papers presented at events supported by UFU's Journal of the Faculty of Law, specifically, the  Research Meetings: Over-indebtedness and Consumer Protection, in partnership with Brasilcon, CDEA, UFRJ and the Brazilian Institute of Contract Law.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.