Evaluation of the Applicability of Swiss Webster Lineage on the Biological Potency Test of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin


  • Rodrigo Netto Costa FIOCRUZ
  • Clarice Lima do Canto Abreu FIOCRUZ
  • Michele Cardoso do Nascimento FIOCRUZ
  • Ana Cristina Martins de Almeida Nogueira FIOCRUZ
  • Isabella Fernandes Delgado FIOCRUZ


Swiss Webster, biological potency, erythropoietin


This study evaluated the applicability of Swiss Webster normocythaemic mice in testing biological potency of rhEPO. Twelve commercial samples of rhEPO (2,000 and 4,000 IU/vial) were evaluated against the reference material of work (3,773 IU/vial), which has been evaluated against the European Pharmacopoeia Biological Reference Preparation of Erythropoietin (BRP) at 32,500 IU/vial. Samples were analyzed in female mice with a body weight of 15-17g by subcutaneous injection (30, 90 and 270 IU/0.2 mL) in a single dose. Six animals were treated at each dose level and randomized in six cages (n=36). After 72 hours, reticulocyte counts were performed in blood samples gained from the orbital plexus. The results were valid and within the established limits, i.e. biological potency between 80% and 125% and confidence limits (p=0.05) between 64% and 156%. Under the experimental conditions established here, the Swiss Webster lineage proved to be adequate for evaluating the biological potency of rhEPO.

Author Biographies

  • Rodrigo Netto Costa, FIOCRUZ
    Master in Public Health Department of Immunology, National Institute for Health Quality Control, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INCQS / FIOCRUZ)
  • Clarice Lima do Canto Abreu, FIOCRUZ
    Master in Health Surveillance Department of Immunology, National Institute for Health Quality Control, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INCQS / FIOCRUZ)
  • Michele Cardoso do Nascimento, FIOCRUZ
    Expert in Toxicology applied to Health Surveillance Department of Immunology, National Institute for Health Quality Control, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INCQS / FIOCRUZ)
  • Ana Cristina Martins de Almeida Nogueira, FIOCRUZ
    Postdoctor Department of Immunology, National Institute for Health Quality Control, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INCQS / FIOCRUZ)
  • Isabella Fernandes Delgado, FIOCRUZ
    Doctor in Biological Sciences Department of Immunology, National Institute for Health Quality Control, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (INCQS / FIOCRUZ)





