Evaluation of Biosafety Training for Health Professionals at Oswaldo Crus Institute (IOC/Fiocruz/BRAZIL)
Biosafety, Professional training, educational evaluation.Abstract
Official reports have demonstrated that the number of work-related deaths due to accidentsor illnesses is increasing. As such, training programs are currently an important strategy inpreventing and minimizing occupational risks.To evaluate the results and effect of biosafetytraining at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Aqualitative research with the students of the Biosafety Course in Biomedical ResearchLaboratories, during the period 2006-2008, based on the Evaluating Training Program byDonald Kirpatrick, covering all levels of reaction, learning, behavior and results.We verifiedthat 54.03 per cent of the students considered the course as excellent, with a 20 per centincrease in the averages of pre and post-tests. The trained students adopted a preventionbehavior, making use of individual protection equipment and demanded that the laboratorieshave the appropriate physical adaptation. The interventions were wide-reaching and inclusive,establishing new criteria for coexistence. As a result of the training, individuals were able toidentify and understand the elements of regulations that focused on environmentalsustainability and collective health. We perceived that organizational learning is possibleadding three assumptions, conceptual, practical and ethical.Downloads