Hegemony, Culture and Education where we walk?
Hegemony, Schooling, CulturalAbstract
This paper sought the presentation of schooling/education as a determining mechanism in the formation of modern culture. And how in the twenty-first century this mechanism shows signs, intentionally by the ruling classes, of being disarticulation by television media and social networks. We analyzed the process of mass schooling, begin in the 16th century until the present day. This analysis uses the hegemonic concept of the Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci and his relationship with the educational process - pedagogy and a culture. In this social game, mass schooling underwent mutations, within the experimental enlightenment principle. Initially with the naive mission of equating human beings, but taken over by the new ruling class, the bourgeoisie, becoming its instrument of expansion of profits and social control. From freedom of the darkness of ignorance to the alienating formation of disposable human machines.
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