Macro and microstructures of Portuguese-English/English-Portuguese school dictionaries
Lexicography, Bilingual dictionary, Pedagogical dictionary, Macrostructure, MicrostructureAbstract
Lexicography has been concerned about the need to propose dictionaries that provide information that are relevant to the user, by observing their strategies. The goal of this article is to present an analysis of the macro and microstructure of two English/Portuguese/Portuguese – English Bilingual Dictionaries. Those dictionaries are taken not only as instruments for consultation, but also as pedagogical tools of great value for language acquisition and knowledge. We have chosen the Longman Dicionário Escolar para estudantes brasileiros (LDE) and the Dicionário Oxford Escolar (DOE) for this research. Both dictionaries seek to serve a specific group of users, Brazilian students of English as a foreign language, by providing them with some innovations regarding the way the information is presented in the entries. Throughout this article, we will present some general observations on bilingual dictionaries, as well as some aspects that reveal their relevance in teaching and learning foreign languages. Subsequently, we will stress some details of the macrostructure and the microstructure of the English/Portuguese/Portuguese – English Bilingual Dictionaries aforementioned, which, in their essence, seek to facilitate the search made by users-learners. We will conclude the article by presenting arguments to show that the use of bilingual dictionaries in language teaching and learning should be encouraged by teachers.Downloads
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