MUÁLEM DE MORAES ALVES, M., ARCANJO, D.D.R..., CARVALHO, R.C.V. de ..., AMORIM, L.V.., SANTOS, I.L. dos ., SANTOS, R.R.L..., FIGUEIREDO, K.A..., FIGUEIREDO, J.F.S.., SOBRINHO-JÚNIOR, E.P.C..., CRUZ, L.P.L. da .., SOUSA, V.C.., DOS SANTOS, L.P.., GONÇALVES, J.C.R..., CARNEIRO, S.M.P.., IVETE LOPES DE MENDONÇA and FERNANDO AÉCIO DE AMORIM CARVALHO, 2021. Methods of macrophages activation and their modulation for the prospection of new antileishmania drugs: a review. Bioscience Journal [online], vol. 37, pp. e37077. [Accessed21 November 2024]. DOI 10.14393/BJ-v37n0a2021-53770. Available from: